• In the 1993 Russian constitutional referendum, 58.4% of voters approved of the new Constitution of Russia. • The Troubles: Protestants Andrew Beacom, 46, and Ernest Smith, 49, both members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, were shot and killed by the Irish Republican Army while sitting in an RUC civilian-type car in Fivemiletown, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
稔山镇,是中华人民共和国广东省惠州市惠东县下辖的乡镇级行政单位。 在稔平半島最北端。全镇土地总面积188.3平方公里。 2018年总人口约8.78万人,其中外来暂住人口约1.4万人。
希伯來書9章4節 有金香爐(爐:或作壇),有包金的約櫃,櫃裡有盛嗎哪的金罐和亞倫發過芽的杖,並兩塊約版; 至聖內有金香壇嗎?是金香爐還是金香壇?若是金香壇應該是在聖所,出埃。
【蘇民峰|改名心得】俗語有話,「唔怕生壞命,最怕改壞名」,到底改名有咩學問?著名堪輿學家蘇民峰在無綫j2節目《呢鋪開乜︰開壇》上拆解有關人名的五行、筆劃吉凶,原來連英文名也可以看出五行屬性! 蘇民。
belong to; category; be subordinate to; (taxonomy) genus; be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals); family members; dependants; join together; fix ones attention on; concentrate on.。
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1993-12 - 惠東稔山鎮 -